
Living in Dubai

Monthly Expenses in Dubai for a Single Person from UK

Monthly Expenses in Dubai

Monthly Expenses in Dubai as a single person from England can be an exciting experience, but it’s essential to understand and plan for the monthly expenses that come with it. 

From accommodation to groceries, utilities, and various other costs, managing your finances effectively is crucial. In this article, we will provide a comprehensive overview of the major monthly expenses in Dubai for a single person, along with approximate price ranges.

Property Rent Costs for UK Expats

Rent is a significant expense in Dubai. The cost of accommodation varies depending on factors such as location, size, and type of property. If you prefer living in the city center, be prepared to allocate a monthly budget of around AED 5,000 to AED 8,000 for a one-bedroom apartment. 

If you choose to live outside the city center, prices can range from AED 3,500 to AED 6,000 per month. It’s advisable to research different areas and consider proximity to amenities and transportation options when deciding on accommodation regarding Monthly Expenses in Dubai.

For UK expats, navigating the property rental market can present its own set of challenges. Rent costs for UK expats vary depending on various factors such as the location, size, and condition of the property, as well as the prevailing market conditions. In popular metropolitan areas like London, rental prices tend to be significantly higher compared to other parts of the country. 

Expats looking to rent in these areas may need to allocate a substantial portion of their budget towards housing expenses.

Accommodation TypeAverage Monthly Cost Range (AED)
One-bedroom Apartment5,000 – 8,000
Outside City Center3,500 – 6,000

Utility Expenditure

Knowing about dubai as well as Utilities include electricity, water, and cooling charges in Dubai. The average monthly cost for electricity ranges from AED 200 to AED 400, depending on the size of the accommodation and usage. 

Water bills typically amount to around AED 50 to AED 100 per month. Since Dubai’s climate can be hot, cooling charges for air conditioning are a significant consideration, averaging between AED 250 to AED 300 per month.

Energy costs are a significant part of utility expenditure for most UK individuals. Prices for gas and electricity can fluctuate based on market conditions and the chosen energy provider. 

UK residents have the option to switch energy suppliers to find the most competitive rates and potentially save on their bills. It is worth noting that energy costs tend to rise during the colder months when heating is required more frequently regards to Monthly Expenses in Dubai.

UtilityAverage Monthly Cost Range (AED)
Electricity200 – 400
Water50 – 100
Cooling Charges (AC)250 – 300

Average Monthly Grocery Prices?

The cost of groceries is a big part of Monthly Expenses in Dubai and can vary based on personal preferences and dietary choices. On average, a single person can expect to spend approximately AED 800 to AED 1,200 per month on groceries. 

This estimate covers fresh produce, dairy products, meat, poultry, canned goods, and other essentials. Prices can fluctuate depending on whether you shop at local markets, supermarkets, or specialty stores.

In general, grocery prices in Dubai may be slightly higher compared to those in the UK. However, the difference may not be significant depending on the specific products and brands being purchased. Some imported or specialty items may have higher price tags due to transportation costs and import duties.

Grocery ItemsAverage Monthly Cost Range (AED)
Fresh Produce200 – 400
Dairy Products100 – 200
Meat and Poultry300 – 500
Canned Goods100 – 200
Other Essentials100 – 200

How much to Eat Out in Dubai?

Dubai boasts a diverse culinary scene with options ranging from budget-friendly to high-end dining. If you enjoy eating out, it’s important to budget for Monthly Expenses in Dubai. For mid-range restaurants, plan to spend around AED 50 to AED 100 per meal.

Fast-food meals, on the other hand, typically cost between AED 25 to AED 40. Keep in mind that dining out frequently can significantly impact your monthly expenses, so it’s wise to strike a balance between dining out and cooking at home.

Eating out in Dubai can provide a wide range of options, catering to various budgets and preferences. The cost of dining out for UK expats in Dubai can vary depending on the type of restaurant, its location, and the specific dishes or cuisine chosen. Here are some approximate price ranges to give you an idea:

Casual Dining: 

Casual dining establishments such as cafes, fast-food chains, and mid-range restaurants typically offer a variety of affordable options. The average cost for a meal at these places can range from 30-80 AED (£6-£16) per person.

Mid-Range Dining: 

Dubai boasts numerous mid-range restaurants that serve a variety of cuisines. These restaurants often offer a more extensive menu and a higher quality of service. Prices for a meal at mid-range restaurants can range from 80-200 AED (£16-£40) per person.

Fine Dining: 

Dubai is known for its upscale dining scene, featuring renowned chefs and luxurious dining experiences. Fine dining establishments can offer a wide range of cuisines and exquisite dishes. Prices at these establishments can start from 200 AED (£40) per person and go up significantly depending on the restaurant and the dining experience.


It’s important to note that prices mentioned here are approximate and can vary depending on the specific restaurant, location, and any additional services or offerings. Additionally, taxes, service charges, and gratuities may not be included in the prices mentioned above.

Dining OptionsAverage Cost per Meal (AED)
Mid-range Restaurant50 – 100
Fast Food Restaurant25 – 40

Monthly Transportation Expenses for UK Singles

Dubai offers a well-connected transportation system, including the metro, buses, and taxis. Opting for public transportation can help reduce costs. The average Monthly Expenses in Dubai for public transportation, including metro and bus fares, is around AED 200 to AED 300. 

If you prefer using a private vehicle, consider expenses such as fuel, parking fees, and insurance, which can vary based on individual usage and vehicle type.

Monthly transportation expenses for UK singles in Dubai can vary depending on individual preferences, travel requirements, and the mode of transportation chosen. Here are some approximate costs to give you an idea:

Public Transportation: 

Dubai has an extensive public transportation network, including buses, metros, and trams. The cost of using public transportation in Dubai is relatively affordable. The price for a single journey on the Dubai Metro or bus typically ranges from 3-8 AED (£0.60-£1.60), depending on the distance traveled. For regular commuters, it is recommended to purchase a Nol Card, which offers discounted fares and various travel pass options.


Taxis are a convenient mode of transportation in Dubai. The starting fare for a regular taxi is around 8-12 AED (£1.60-£2.40), with an additional charge per kilometer traveled. Taxis are metered, and the final fare will depend on the distance and duration of the journey.

Ride-Sharing Services: 

Popular ride-sharing services like Uber and Careem are also available in Dubai. The fares for these services may vary depending on factors such as distance, demand, and surge pricing. It is advisable to check the app for real-time fare estimates before booking a ride.


Car Rental: 

Some individuals may opt to rent a car for their transportation needs in Dubai. Car rental costs can vary depending on the type of vehicle, rental duration, and any additional services or insurance coverage. On average, car rental costs in Dubai can range from 1,500-3,000 AED (£300-£600) per month for a small to mid sized car.


It’s important to note that these are approximate costs and can vary based on individual usage and preferences. Additionally, expenses such as parking fees, Salik (toll) charges, and occasional fuel costs should also be considered when budgeting for transportation in Dubai.

TransportationAverage Monthly Cost Range (AED)
Public Transport (Metro)200 – 300
Private Vehicle (Fuel, 
Parking, Insurance, etc.)Varies based on usage

Monthly Health Insurance Costs 

Health insurance is a mandatory requirement for Monthly Expenses in Dubai. The cost of health insurance for a single UK person typically ranges from AED 500 to AED 1,000 per month, depending on the coverage and the insurance provider. It’s crucial to select a plan that suits your healthcare needs and provides adequate coverage for medical expenses.

The monthly health insurance costs for a UK single person in Dubai can vary depending on various factors, including the individual’s age, health condition, coverage requirements, and the insurance provider chosen. Here are some general guidelines:

Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance: 

Many expats in Dubai receive health insurance coverage through their employers. The cost of employer-sponsored health insurance plans can vary depending on the employer’s contribution, the level of coverage provided, and the individual’s salary. 

In some cases, the employer may cover the entire cost of the health insurance premium, while in others, the employee may have to contribute a portion of the premium individual.

Health Insurance Plans: 

If not covered by an employer, individuals can purchase individual health insurance plans in Dubai. The cost of these plans can vary based on factors such as age, coverage options, deductibles, and the insurance provider chosen. On average, monthly premiums for individual health insurance plans in Dubai can range from 500-1,500 AED (£100-£300), although higher-end plans with extensive coverage can be more expensive.

Monthly Mobile Phone Costs

Staying connected to the United Kingdom is essential, and communication expenses include mobile phone plans with data packages. 

The average Monthly Expenses in Dubai for mobile phone services in Dubai ranges from AED 100 to AED 200. 

This covers data packages, voice calls, and SMS allowances. Compare different service providers to find a suitable plan that aligns with your communication needs and budget.

The average monthly mobile phone costs for UK expats in Dubai can vary depending on the mobile service provider, the specific mobile plan chosen, and individual usage patterns. Here are some general guidelines:

Mobile Plans:

Mobile phone plans in Dubai typically offer a combination of voice calls, text messages, and data allowances. The cost of mobile plans can vary based on factors such as the plan’s features, data limits, and international calling options. On average, monthly mobile plan costs in Dubai can range from 100-300 AED (£20-£60) for standard plans with moderate data allowances.

Data Packages:

Data usage is a significant consideration for many mobile users. Dubai offers a variety of data packages that can be added to mobile plans. These packages typically provide additional data allowances beyond the base plan. The cost of data packages can range from 50-200 AED (£10-£40) per month, depending on the data allowance.

International Calling and Roaming:

UK expats in Dubai may require international calling and roaming services to stay in touch with friends and family back home. Mobile service providers offer various international calling and roaming packages with different rates and options. The costs for international calling and roaming can vary depending on the destination country and the package chosen.

It’s important to note that these are approximate costs and can vary based on the specific mobile service provider, the chosen plan and add-ons, and any promotional offers available. Additionally, individual usage patterns, such as the frequency and duration of calls, data consumption, and messaging habits, can impact the overall monthly mobile phone costs. It is advisable to compare different mobile plans and service providers to find the most suitable option based on personal requirements and budget.

Mobile Phone PlanAverage Monthly Cost Range (AED)
Mobile Phone Data Packages100 – 200

Education Costs for UK Families & Children

If you plan to pursue higher education in Dubai or have dependents attending school, it’s important to consider UK education expenses.

Tuition fees can vary depending on the educational institution and the program of study. For universities, tuition fees can range from several thousand to tens of thousands of dirhams per semester.

School fees for children also vary depending on the school, curriculum, and grade level.

Education costs for UK families and children can vary depending on several factors, including the type of education, location, and whether it is a public or private institution. Here are some general considerations:

Public Education:

In the UK, public education is funded by the government and generally available free of charge to residents.

This includes primary and secondary education provided by state schools. However, there may still be additional costs associated with public education, such as school uniforms, textbooks, extracurricular activities, and school trips.

Private Education:

Private schools in the UK often charge tuition fees, and the Monthly Expenses in Dubai can vary significantly depending on the institution’s reputation, facilities, and location.

Tuition fees for private schools can range from a few thousand pounds to tens of thousands of pounds per year. Private schools often provide smaller class sizes, specialized programs, and extracurricular activities, but it’s important to carefully consider the financial implications of private education.

University Education:

University education costs in the UK can be substantial. Tuition fees for UK universities vary for home students (UK residents) and international students. For home students, tuition fees in England can be up to £9,250 per year (as of the 2021-2022 academic year). However, in Scotland, tuition fees for home students are often covered by the government.

International students’ tuition fees can be higher, ranging from around £10,000 to £38,000 per year, depending on the course and university.

Additional costs associated with university education include accommodation, textbooks, living expenses, and other personal expenses. Scholarships, grants, and student loans may be available to help offset some of these costs.

It’s important to note that the costs mentioned here are general estimates, and the actual expenses can vary depending on individual circumstances, location, and educational choices.

It’s advisable to research and consider different education options, scholarships, and financial aid opportunities to make informed decisions based on personal circumstances and budget.

Education ExpensesAverage Monthly Cost Range (AED)
University Tuition FeesVaries depending on institution
School Fees (if applicable)Varies depending on the school

Fitness Memberships

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is important, and allocating a budget for health and fitness expenses is advisable. Monthly gym memberships typically range from AED 200 to AED 500, depending on the facilities and services provided. Wellness classes such as yoga or pilates may cost around AED 150 to AED 300 per month. Additionally, occasional medical check-ups should also be factored into your healthcare budget.

Monthly Expenses in Dubai for health and fitness membership costs for UK gym goers in Dubai can vary depending on the type of gym, its facilities, location, and the specific membership package chosen. Here are some general guidelines:

Basic Gym Memberships:

Basic gym memberships in Dubai typically provide access to the gym’s fitness equipment and basic facilities such as weightlifting areas and cardio machines. The cost of basic gym memberships can range from 200-500 AED (£40-£100) per month.

Premium Gym Memberships:

Premium gyms in Dubai often offer additional amenities such as swimming pools, group exercise classes, personal training services, spa facilities, and exclusive member benefits. The cost of premium gym memberships can range from 500-1,500 AED (£100-£300) or more per month, depending on the gym’s offerings and reputation.

Boutique Fitness Studios:

Dubai has a thriving fitness scene, with various boutique fitness studios offering specialized workouts such as yoga, Pilates, boxing, cycling, and more. Membership costs for these studios can vary, but they are generally higher than basic gym memberships due to the specialized nature of the workouts and smaller class sizes.

It’s important to note that these are approximate costs, and prices can vary depending on the specific gym or fitness studio, any promotional offers, and the duration of the membership (e.g., annual memberships may offer lower monthly rates compared to monthly or short-term memberships). Some gyms may also offer discounts for longer-term commitments or off-peak hours usage.

Additionally, some gyms may require an initial registration or joining fee, which should be considered when budgeting for the overall cost. It is advisable to research different gyms, compare their offerings, and consider visiting the facilities before making a decision.

Health and FitnessAverage Monthly Cost Range (AED)
Gym Membership200 – 500
Wellness Classes (e.g., 
Yoga, Pilates)150 – 300
Medical Check-upsVaries depending on services

Monthly Entertainment Prices 

Dubai offers a wide range of entertainment options. Movie tickets usually cost around AED 40 to AED 80, depending on the cinema and movie format. Concerts and events vary in price depending on the performers and venue.

Recreation activities such as theme parks, museums, and other attractions typically have admission fees ranging from AED 100 to AED 300. Hobbies and interests can also incur expenses, depending on the equipment, classes, or materials required.

Monthly entertainment prices in Dubai for UK expats can vary depending on personal preferences, lifestyle choices, and the specific activities and venues chosen. Here are some general guidelines on entertainment prices in Dubai:

Dining Out:

Dubai offers a wide range of dining options, from casual eateries to fine dining establishments. The cost of dining out can vary depending on the restaurant’s type, location, cuisine, and the number of people dining. On average, a meal for one person at a mid-range restaurant can range from 50-150 AED (£10-£30), excluding drinks.

Movie Tickets:

Going to the movies is a popular form of entertainment in Dubai. The price of movie tickets can vary depending on factors such as the theater, time of day, and whether it is a regular or premium cinema experience. On average, a movie ticket can cost around 35-60 AED (£7-£12) per person.

Live Events and Concerts:

Dubai hosts a variety of live events, concerts, and performances throughout the year. Ticket prices for these events can vary significantly depending on the venue, the popularity of the artist or show, and the seating category. The cost of tickets can range from 100-500 AED (£20-£100) or more, depending on the event.

Theme Parks and Attractions: Dubai is home to several world-class theme parks and attractions, such as Dubai Parks and Resorts, IMG Worlds of Adventure, and the Burj Khalifa.

The cost of entry to these attractions can vary, with ticket prices typically ranging from 150-300 AED (£30-£60) per person, depending on the park and any additional experiences or packages chosen.

Nightlife and Clubs:

Dubai has a vibrant nightlife scene with various clubs, bars, and lounges. Entry fees, drink prices, and table reservations in these establishments can vary widely. Entry fees for clubs can range from free to several hundred AED (£20-£100) depending on the venue and event.

It’s important to note that these prices are approximate and can vary based on the specific establishment, promotions, and any additional services or experiences included. Additionally, personal spending habits and preferences will greatly impact the overall entertainment expenses.

EntertainmentAverage Monthly Cost Range (AED)
Movie Tickets40 – 80
Concerts and EventsVaries depending on the event
Recreation Activities100 – 300
Hobbies and InterestsVaries depending on the activity

Clothing and Personal Care 

Allocating a budget for clothing and personal care is essential. On average, a single person may spend around AED 200 to AED 500 per month on clothing and footwear. Personal care products, including toiletries and grooming essentials, can cost approximately AED 100 to AED 200 per month. Additionally, haircuts and salon services may amount to around AED 100 to AED 300, depending on the frequency and type of service.

Monthly prices for clothing and personal care for UK people can vary depending on individual preferences, shopping habits, and the quality and brand of products chosen. Here are some general guidelines on the average monthly prices:


The cost of clothing can vary greatly depending on personal style, brand preferences, and whether you shop at high-end boutiques, department stores, or more affordable retailers. On average, monthly spending on clothing in the UK can range from 50-200 pounds or more.

It’s important to note that this estimate can vary significantly depending on individual shopping habits and whether you shop for basics or more trend-focused items.

Shoes and Accessories:

The cost of shoes and accessories can also vary based on personal preferences and the type of products chosen. Prices for shoes can range from 30-100 pounds or more per pair, depending on the brand and style. Accessories such as handbags, belts, and jewelry can have a wide price range depending on the materials and designer brands, ranging from 10-100 pounds or more per item.

Personal Care Products:

Personal care products such as toiletries, skincare, and cosmetics can vary in price depending on the brands and products selected. On average, monthly spending on personal care products in the UK can range from 20-50 pounds or more. This estimate includes items like shampoo, conditioner, body wash, skincare products, makeup, and other personal hygiene items.

It’s important to note that these prices are approximate and can vary based on personal preferences, lifestyle choices, and shopping habits. Some individuals may spend more or less depending on their priorities and budget constraints. Additionally, sales, promotions, and discounts can also significantly impact the overall monthly spending on clothing and personal care products.

ExpensesAverage Monthly Cost Range (AED)
Clothing and Footwear200 – 500
Personal Care Products100 – 200
Haircuts and Salon100 – 300
Toiletries50 – 100

Monthly Costs for Miscellaneous Outgoings

Miscellaneous expenses include internet and cable TV services, mobile phone recharges, gifts, celebrations, memberships, and subscriptions. The average monthly cost for internet and cable TV ranges from AED 250 to AED 400.

Mobile phone recharges can amount to around AED 50 to AED 100 per month, depending on usage. Gifts and celebrations vary depending on occasions, while memberships and subscriptions can have varying costs based on the services or organizations.

UK expat monthly costs for miscellaneous outgoings can vary depending on individual circumstances, lifestyle choices, and personal preferences. Here are some common miscellaneous expenses that expats in the UK may encounter:


This includes electricity, gas, water, and internet services. The average monthly cost for utilities can vary depending on the size of the accommodation, location, and energy consumption habits. On average, utility costs can range from 100-200 pounds or more per month.


This includes expenses related to commuting, such as fuel costs, public transportation fares, parking fees, and vehicle maintenance. Monthly transportation costs can vary significantly depending on the distance traveled, mode of transportation, and whether you own a car or rely on public transportation. On average, transportation costs can range from 50-200 pounds or more per month.


This includes various types of insurance, such as health insurance, car insurance, and renter’s insurance. The cost of insurance can vary depending on coverage levels, deductibles, and individual circumstances. On average, insurance costs can range from 50-200 pounds or more per month, depending on the types of insurance coverage required.

Leisure and Entertainment:

This includes expenses for recreational activities, dining out, hobbies, cinema tickets, concerts, and other forms of entertainment. Monthly leisure and entertainment costs can vary significantly based on individual preferences and lifestyle choices. On average, these costs can range from 100-300 pounds or more per month.

Personal Care and Wellness:

This includes expenses for personal care products, gym memberships, spa treatments, salon services, and other wellness-related activities. Monthly personal care and wellness costs can vary depending on individual preferences and the level of self-care chosen. On average, these costs can range from 50-200 pounds or more per month.

It’s important to note that these estimates are approximate and can vary significantly depending on individual circumstances, location, and personal choices. Budgeting and tracking expenses can help individuals better understand and manage their miscellaneous outgoings.

ExpensesAverage Monthly Cost Range (AED)
Internet and Cable TV250 – 400
Mobile Phone Recharge50 – 100
Gifts and CelebrationsVaries depending on occasions
Memberships and SubscriptionsVaries depending on services

Monthly Savings and Investment

Allocating a portion of your income towards savings and investments is important for financial planning. Aim to save at least 10% to 20% of your monthly income, which can amount to around AED 500 to AED 1,000 or more, depending on your earnings and financial goals. Investments can vary widely based on individual preferences and risk appetite. It’s advisable to consult with a financial advisor to explore suitable investment options based on your financial objectives.

The monthly savings and investment allocation for British singles in Dubai can vary depending on individual financial goals, income level, expenses, and risk tolerance. However, here are some general guidelines that can be considered:

Emergency Fund:

It is advisable to allocate a portion of monthly income towards building an emergency fund. This fund should ideally cover 3-6 months’ worth of living expenses. The amount to set aside will depend on individual circumstances, but a common recommendation is to save around 10-20% of monthly income for emergencies.

Retirement Savings:

Planning for retirement is crucial, even for singles. Consider allocating a portion of monthly income towards retirement savings. If your employer offers a retirement plan with matching contributions, it is beneficial to take advantage of this opportunity. A general guideline is to save 10-15% of income for retirement, but the amount can be adjusted based on individual goals and financial situation.

Investment Portfolio:

For long-term wealth accumulation, consider allocating a portion of monthly income towards investment vehicles such as stocks, bonds, mutual funds, or exchange-traded funds (ETFs). The allocation to investments will depend on individual risk tolerance and investment knowledge. It is advisable to seek professional advice or conduct thorough research before investing. Generally, a rule of thumb is to allocate a portion of savings, such as 10-20% of monthly income, towards investments.

Short-Term Goals:

If you have specific short-term financial goals, such as saving for a down payment on a property or a major purchase, allocate a portion of your monthly income towards these goals. Determine the timeline for achieving these goals and allocate funds accordingly.

Personal Expenses and Lifestyle:

After allocating funds for savings and investments, the remaining portion of the monthly income can be used for personal expenses, such as rent, utilities, transportation, groceries, entertainment, and leisure activities. It is important to establish a budget and prioritize spending based on individual preferences and financial situation.

Remember, these are general guidelines and the allocation can be adjusted based on individual circumstances. It is recommended to regularly review and reassess financial goals, adjust savings and investment allocations as needed, and seek professional financial advice if necessary.

ExpensesAverage Monthly Allocation (AED)
Savings500 – 1,000
InvestmentsVaries depending on individual


Things to Remember

By understanding these in-depth points related to monthly expenses in Dubai for a single person, you can better plan and manage your finances, ensuring a comfortable lifestyle while staying within your budget.

Remember that these are general estimates, and it’s essential to personalize your Monthly Expenses in Dubai based on your specific circumstances and priorities.


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