
Living in Dubai

Legal Matters in Dubai

What Are the Laws in Dubai?

Dubai Laws & Rules for UK Tourists

Discover Legal Matters in Dubai and essential resources and official websites to learn about the laws in Dubai as an expat. 

Explore government portals, Dubai Police, Dubai Courts, and legal affairs departments for comprehensive information on regulations, legal services, and the court system. 

Empower yourself with knowledge to understand your rights and responsibilities in the dynamic legal environment of Dubai.


Offences & Fines

Dubai has strict laws and regulations to maintain a safe and secure environment. Here are some statistics regarding offenses and fines in Dubai:

Traffic Violations

In 2020, Dubai Police recorded over 2 million traffic offenses, including speeding, reckless driving, and running red lights. Fines for traffic violations range from AED 200 to AED 3,000, depending on the severity of the offense.

Alcohol-related Offenses

Dubai has strict alcohol consumption laws, and offenses such as drinking and driving or public intoxication can result in fines ranging from AED 1,000 to AED 20,000.

Public Behavior Offenses

Engaging in public indecency, swearing, or disrespectful behavior can lead to fines ranging from AED 500 to AED 10,000.

It is important for residents and visitors to familiarize themselves with the laws and regulations in Dubai to avoid any legal issues and maintain a safe and respectful environment.

OffenseFine (AED)
SpeedingVaries depending on the speed limit
Illegal parking200-1,000
Using a mobile phone while driving800
Running a red light1,000-3,000
Driving without a valid license5,000
Driving under the influence of alcohol20,000 and/or imprisonment
Smoking in prohibited areas500
Public intoxication2,000
Violating COVID-19 safety measuresVaries depending on the violation
Selling counterfeit goodsUp to 1 million and/or imprisonment
Harassment or assaultVaries depending on the severity
Public indecencyVaries depending on the nature of offense

What Types of Laws are there in Dubai?

Dubai operates under a legal system that encompasses various types of laws. Here are some statistics regarding the types of laws in Dubai:

Civil Law: 

Civil law is the foundation of Dubai’s legal system, which governs issues related to contracts, property, and personal matters. Civil cases accounted for approximately 60% of the total cases handled by Dubai courts in recent years.

Sharia Law: 

Sharia law holds significant importance in Dubai, particularly in matters related to family, inheritance, and Islamic principles. Sharia courts handle family disputes, divorce cases, and other personal matters.

Commercial Law: 

Dubai has developed a robust framework for commercial transactions and business activities. The city’s commercial laws facilitate a favorable business environment, leading to its emergence as a global business hub.

Understanding the different types of laws in Dubai is crucial for residents, businesses, and visitors to ensure compliance and navigate the legal landscape effectively.

Area of LawDescription
Personal Status LawGoverns matters related to marriage, divorce, child custody, inheritance, and family matters. The Personal Status Law is based on Islamic Sharia principles.
Labor LawRegulates the relationship between employers and employees, covering areas such as working hours, leave entitlements, termination procedures, and employee rights.
Property LawDeals with the ownership, sale, lease, and rental of properties in Dubai. It includes regulations for property registration, rights, and responsibilities of landlords and tenants.
Criminal LawDefines criminal offenses, penalties, and legal procedures for criminal cases. It covers a wide range of offenses, including theft, fraud, assault, drug-related offenses, and other criminal acts.
Traffic LawEnforces rules and regulations related to road safety and traffic management. It covers areas such as driving licenses, vehicle registration, speed limits, traffic violations, and penalties for traffic offenses.
Commercial LawGoverns business transactions, company formation, contracts, intellectual property, and other aspects of commercial activities. It aims to regulate fair trade practices and protect the rights of businesses and consumers.
Cybercrime LawAddresses offenses committed through electronic means, such as hacking, online fraud, identity theft, and unauthorized access to computer systems. It provides guidelines for combating cybercrimes and protecting online security.
Consumer ProtectionEnsures consumer rights are protected and promotes fair trade practices. It covers areas such as product safety standards, pricing regulations, consumer dispute resolution, and consumer education and awareness programs.
Immigration LawRegulates entry, residence, and employment of foreigners in Dubai. It includes procedures for obtaining visas, work permits, and residency permits, as well as rules regarding sponsorship and immigration violations.
Intellectual PropertyProvides protection for intellectual property rights, including patents, trademarks, copyrights, and trade secrets. It outlines the procedures for registration, enforcement, and remedies for intellectual property infringement.
Media LawRegulates media activities, including print, broadcast, and online media. It covers areas such as media licensing, content regulation, defamation, privacy rights, and freedom of expression.
Environmental LawFocuses on preserving and protecting the environment, natural resources, and sustainable development. It includes regulations for waste management, pollution control, conservation, and environmental impact assessments.

Facts about the Legal System:

The UAE’s legal system is based on civil law principles with influences from Islamic law. The Federal Supreme Court is the highest judicial authority in the country. 

The legal system in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) is a combination of civil law, Sharia law, and elements of common law. Here are some facts and statistics about the UAE legal system:

UAE Courts: 

The UAE has a well-established court system, including federal courts and local courts in each emirate. In recent years, the UAE courts have handled thousands of cases across various legal domains, including civil, criminal, commercial, and administrative matters.

Sharia Law: 

Sharia law plays a significant role in the UAE legal system, particularly in matters of family law, inheritance, and personal status. Sharia courts have jurisdiction over these areas and ensure compliance with Islamic principles.

Legal Professionals: 

The UAE legal sector has seen significant growth, with a growing number of local and international law firms, legal consultants, and practitioners. 

The legal profession in the UAE comprises skilled lawyers, judges, legal advisors, and legal researchers, contributing to the effective functioning of the legal system.

Legal Reforms: 

The UAE has been actively undertaking legal reforms to enhance its legal system, promote transparency, and ensure access to justice. These reforms aim to align the legal framework with international standards and best practices.

The UAE legal system reflects a balance between civil and Sharia law principles, ensuring a comprehensive legal framework for individuals and businesses. 

It provides avenues for legal recourse, upholds justice, and contributes to the overall stability and development of the country.

Legal Proceedings in Dubai

Civil law in Dubai governs areas such as contracts, personal status, family law, property rights, and inheritance. It is based on the UAE Civil Code and its amendments.

Legal proceedings in Dubai play a crucial role in maintaining justice and resolving disputes. Here are some facts and statistics related to legal proceedings in Dubai:

Case Filings: 

The Dubai Courts witnessed a significant number of case filings in recent years, with over 200,000 cases recorded annually. These cases encompass both civil and criminal matters, highlighting the active legal landscape in the city.

Court Efficiency: 

Dubai has focused on enhancing the efficiency of its judicial system. The Dubai Courts have implemented technological advancements and streamlined processes, resulting in shorter case durations and quicker resolutions.

Mediation Success: 

Mediation has emerged as a popular alternative to litigation in Dubai. The Dubai Courts’ mediation center has reported a high success rate of around 80% in settling disputes amicably through mediation, saving time and resources for all parties involved.


Dubai has embraced digital transformation in its legal proceedings. The Dubai Courts provide e-services that allow individuals and businesses to file cases, track proceedings, and access legal documents online, promoting convenience and accessibility.

International Recognition: 

Dubai’s legal system has gained international recognition. The city’s commitment to a fair and transparent judicial process, coupled with its adherence to international legal standards, has positioned Dubai as a trusted destination for resolving cross-border disputes.

These statistics showcase Dubai’s efforts to ensure an effective and efficient legal system, providing individuals and businesses with a platform to seek justice, resolve disputes, and uphold the rule of law.


Dubai Property Laws:

Legal Matters in Dubai & Property laws in Dubai cover various aspects, including ownership rights, real estate transactions, leases, and property registration. Foreign nationals can own properties in designated areas known as freehold areas.

Dubai has a comprehensive legal framework governing property ownership and transactions, ensuring a secure and transparent property market. Here are some facts and statistics related to property laws in Dubai:

Dubai Land Department (DLD): 

The DLD is the regulatory authority responsible for overseeing property-related matters in Dubai. It establishes and enforces property laws and regulations to safeguard the rights of property owners and investors.

Freehold Ownership: 

Dubai allows foreign nationals to own freehold properties in designated areas, promoting foreign investment and property ownership. This has contributed to the growth of the real estate sector and attracted international buyers.

Strata Law: 

The Strata Law regulates the ownership and management of jointly owned properties, such as apartments in buildings and villas in gated communities. It outlines the rights and responsibilities of property owners within shared developments.

Escrow Accounts: 

Dubai mandates the use of escrow accounts for property transactions, ensuring that buyers’ funds are securely held until the completion of the property transfer process. This provides financial protection to buyers and enhances trust in the real estate market.

RERA and Real Estate Regulations: 

The Real Estate Regulatory Agency (RERA) plays a crucial role in enforcing property laws and regulating the real estate sector. It sets standards for property developers, brokers, and property management companies, ensuring transparency, fairness, and accountability.

Property Dispute Resolution: 

Dubai has established specialized courts, such as the Dubai Property Court, to handle property-related disputes. These courts offer a swift and efficient resolution process, promoting investor confidence and protecting the rights of property owners.

The property laws in Dubai create a favorable environment for property ownership, investment, and development. 

It is important for individuals involved in property transactions to be aware of the relevant laws, seek legal advice when needed, and ensure compliance with the regulations set by the DLD and other regulatory authorities.


Dubai Immigration Laws:

Dubai’s immigration laws regulate entry, residence permits, visa requirements, and related matters for expatriates living and working in Dubai. The laws specify different types of visas, such as UK expat Covid employment visas, investor visas, and tourist visas.

Dubai has a well-defined immigration system with laws and regulations in place to govern the entry, residence, and employment of expatriates. Here are some facts and statistics related to Dubai’s immigration laws:

Visa Types: 

Dubai offers various visa types, including tourist visas, employment visas, investor visas, and dependent visas. Each visa category has specific requirements and duration of stay.

Residency Permits: 

Expatriates living and working in Dubai are required to obtain residency permits, commonly known as residence visas. These permits allow individuals to legally reside in the city for a specific period, usually linked to their employment contract.

Sponsorship System: 

Dubai operates under a sponsorship system, where expatriates need a local sponsor, such as an employer or a UAE national, to support their visa applications. The sponsor assumes legal responsibility for the expatriate during their stay in Dubai.

Visa Renewal: 

Residence visas in Dubai need to be renewed periodically, typically every two to three years. Renewal requirements may include medical examinations, security checks, and fulfillment of specific criteria set by the immigration authorities.

Overstay Fines: 

Overstaying a visa in Dubai is subject to fines, which are calculated per day of overstay. These fines can accumulate quickly and may result in legal consequences if not rectified promptly.

Immigration Authorities: 

The General Directorate of Residency and Foreigners Affairs (GDRFA) is the governing body responsible for managing immigration matters in Dubai. They oversee visa applications, issuance of residency permits, and enforcement of immigration laws.

It is important for expatriates to understand and comply with Dubai’s immigration laws to ensure a smooth and legal stay in the city. 

Seeking guidance from the GDRFA or consulting with immigration experts can provide individuals with accurate and up-to-date information regarding visa requirements and procedures.



Dubai Business Laws:

Dubai offers a favorable business environment with laws and regulations governing company formation, licensing, trade, intellectual property rights, and commercial transactions.

Dubai has a robust legal framework in place to govern business activities and ensure a favorable business environment. Here are some facts and statistics related to Dubai’s business laws:

Business Entities: 

Dubai offers various types of business entities, including Limited Liability Companies (LLCs), Free Zone Companies, and Offshore Companies. Each entity has its own set of regulations and requirements.

Foreign Ownership: 

In recent years, Dubai has introduced reforms allowing for increased foreign ownership in mainland companies, providing greater flexibility for international investors.

Commercial Laws: 

Dubai’s commercial laws are based on a combination of civil law principles and common law practices. The legal system is designed to protect the rights of businesses and individuals engaging in commercial transactions.

Intellectual Property Rights: 

Dubai has made significant efforts to strengthen intellectual property rights protection. The city has established specialized courts to handle intellectual property disputes, enhancing the overall business environment.

Dispute Resolution: 

Dubai offers multiple avenues for dispute resolution, including traditional litigation, arbitration, and mediation. The Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC) Courts and the Dubai International Arbitration Centre (DIAC) are well-regarded institutions for resolving commercial disputes.

Ease of Doing Business: 

Dubai’s business-friendly policies and regulatory environment have contributed to its high ranking in global indices measuring ease of doing business. The city has consistently attracted foreign investment and positioned itself as a regional business hub.

Understanding Dubai’s business laws and complying with the regulatory requirements is crucial for entrepreneurs and companies operating in the city. 

Seeking legal advice from experienced professionals and staying updated with any legislative changes can help businesses navigate the legal landscape effectively.


Dubai Family Laws:

Family laws in Dubai cover matters related to marriage, divorce, child custody, guardianship, alimony, and inheritance. Islamic law principles often guide family law matters.

Dubai has a well-defined legal framework for family matters that aims to protect the rights and interests of individuals within the family unit. Here are some facts and statistics related to Dubai’s family laws:

Personal Status Law: 

Dubai’s Personal Status Law governs various aspects of family life, including marriage, divorce, child custody, inheritance, and guardianship.

Shariah-based Laws: 

Family laws in Dubai are influenced by Islamic principles and are based on Shariah law. These laws provide guidance on matters such as marriage requirements, divorce procedures, and distribution of assets in case of inheritance.

Family Court: 

Dubai has a dedicated Family Court that specializes in resolving family-related disputes. The court handles cases related to divorce, child custody, alimony, and other family matters.

Divorce Rates: 

Dubai has witnessed an increase in divorce rates in recent years, reflecting changing societal dynamics and individual preferences. It is important for individuals seeking divorce to navigate the legal process and understand their rights and obligations.

Child Custody: 

Dubai’s family laws prioritize the best interests of the child when determining custody arrangements. The court considers various factors such as the child’s age, welfare, and ability to provide a stable environment when making custody decisions.

Understanding Dubai’s family laws and seeking legal advice when dealing with family-related matters is crucial. Adhering to legal requirements, being aware of rights and responsibilities, and seeking amicable solutions can contribute to smoother family transitions and safeguard the well-being of all family members involved.


Dubai Investment Laws:

Dubai offers favorable investment laws and incentives to attract foreign investment. These laws outline the procedures for investment, capital requirements, ownership structures, and protection of investors’ rights.

Dubai has embraced the potential of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology, establishing a regulatory framework to govern their use. Here are some key facts and statistics about Dubai’s crypto laws:

Regulatory Framework: 

The Dubai Financial Services Authority (DFSA) has introduced regulations for crypto-assets, providing clarity and oversight in the digital asset space.

Crypto Exchanges: 

Several licensed crypto exchanges operate in Dubai, allowing individuals and businesses to trade and invest in cryptocurrencies.

Innovation Hub: 

Dubai has positioned itself as a global hub for blockchain and crypto innovation, attracting startups and fostering a supportive ecosystem.

Blockchain Initiatives: 

The Dubai government has launched various blockchain initiatives, exploring the use of the technology in sectors such as finance, healthcare, and supply chain management.

Blockchain Investment: 

Dubai-based blockchain projects have raised significant investments, with the city becoming a destination for blockchain and crypto-focused ventures.

These statistics highlight Dubai’s progressive approach to crypto regulations and its recognition of the transformative potential of blockchain technology. 

By providing a conducive environment for innovation and investment, Dubai aims to position itself as a leading destination for crypto-related activities and contribute to the growth of the digital asset ecosystem.


Visa Requirements:

Visitors typically require a valid passport and may need to obtain a tourist visa before arrival. Visa requirements vary based on nationality and duration of stay. It’s essential to check the specific visa requirements from official government sources.

Visa requirements in Dubai are an essential aspect for individuals planning to live, work, or visit the city. Here are some key facts and statistics regarding Dubai’s visa requirements:

Types of Visas: 

Dubai offers various types of visas, including tourist visas, employment visas, business visas, and student visas, among others.

Visa Validity: 

The duration of a visa can vary depending on the type and purpose of the visit. Tourist visas are typically valid for 30 days, while employment visas can be valid for up to two years.

Visa Extensions: 

In certain cases, visas can be extended beyond their initial validity period, allowing individuals to stay longer in Dubai.

Visa Sponsorship: 

Most visas in Dubai require sponsorship by a company, educational institution, or a UAE citizen.

Visa Application Process: 

The visa application process involves submitting the required documents, including a passport, photographs, and supporting documents, through the appropriate channels.

These statistics demonstrate the importance of understanding and complying with Dubai’s visa requirements to ensure a smooth and legal entry into the city. 

It is advisable to consult the official government websites or seek professional assistance to obtain accurate and up-to-date information regarding visa requirements for specific situations.

Vital Links for Expats in Dubai

Dubai Police Official Website:

Website: https://www.dubaipolice.gov.ae/ The official website of the Dubai Police provides information on various aspects of law enforcement, services, and resources for residents and visitors.


Dubai Courts Official Website:

Website: https://www.dubaicourts.gov.ae/ The official website of the Dubai Courts offers information on the court system, legal procedures, case tracking, and other legal services.


Dubai Government Legal Affairs Department:

Website: https://www.dla.gov.ae/ The Dubai Government Legal Affairs Department provides legal information and services, including access to legislation, regulations, and legal consultations.


Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC) Courts:

Website: https://www.difccourts.ae/ The DIFC Courts’ website offers insights into the commercial legal system in Dubai, including rules, procedures, and resources specific to the Dubai International Financial Centre.


Dubai Legal Portal:

Website: https://www.dubailaw.ae/ The Dubai Legal Portal provides access to various legal resources, including legislation, judgments, legal publications, and legal news updates.


Emirates Legal Portal:

Website: https://www.emirateslaw.ae/ The Emirates Legal Portal offers comprehensive legal information and resources, including laws, judgments, legal databases, and legal research tools.


Dubai International Arbitration Centre (DIAC):

Website: https://www.diac.ae/ The DIAC website provides information on arbitration and alternative dispute resolution services available in Dubai.


Official Government Websites:

Visit the official websites of the Dubai government, such as the Dubai Government Portal (https://www.dubai.ae/) and the Dubai eGovernment Portal (https://government.ae/en), for general information on laws, regulations, and services.


  • What is the legal system in Dubai?

    Dubai operates under a civil law system influenced by Islamic law (Sharia). The legal framework includes federal and local laws governing various aspects of life, including business, property, and personal affairs.

  • What are the regulations concerning expatriates' legal rights in Dubai?

    Expatriates living in Dubai are subject to local laws and regulations. They often have legal rights protected by labor laws, contracts, and residency permits. However, it's essential to understand and comply with the legal framework to safeguard individual rights and responsibilities.

  • How can one seek legal assistance in Dubai?

    Legal assistance in Dubai can be obtained through law firms, legal consultants, or advocates specializing in various fields of law. The Dubai Courts and Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC) Courts also provide legal recourse for dispute resolution and legal matters.


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